by Admin | Nov 4, 2020 | Achievement, News
On 18 September 2018, delegates headed to Hotel Grand Inna Bali to install posters that would be present on 19-22 September 2018. The IYIA (International Young Inventors Award) is a national innovator with the presentation of the products and the study in 15...
by Admin | Jan 9, 2019 | Achievement, News
Delegation of UNDIP on behalf of Devina Afraditya P, Shalsabila Refithania Y, and Thania Lathifatunnisa PA won 3rd Winner of Public Poster in the PCC race EAMSC 2019 (Pre-Conference Competition East Asian Medical Students ‘ Conference). PCC EAMSC held by...
by Admin | Oct 15, 2018 | Achievement, News
UNDIP delegation on behalf of Farah Alya R, Nabilah Saniyya W, and Alisya Nuril FN won 1st place at the Pasific Fest 2018 Competition Branch of public Poster. Pasific Fest is part of a series of FK UNPAD Fair 2018 events. The event was held on 11-14 October 2018 at...