Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University is one of the leading medical schools in Indonesia. The Faculty of Medicine of Diponegoro University was founded on October 1, 1961 and has celebrated its 50 golden years in giving Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Higher Education) of higher education in Indonesia in 2011. In providing education for medical students, medical internship / medical clerkship, and specialist residents, Faculty of Medicine of Diponegoro University is affiliated with Dr. Kariadi Hospital. Referring to the THES-QS Top World University Rankings in 2007, the faculty of medicine Diponegoro University ranked 410th in the Life Science and Biomedicine category.
Located at Jl. Prof Sudharto SH, Tembalang, Semarang, campus of Faculty of Medicine UNDIP is integrated with Dr, Kariadi Hospital and Diponegoro National Hospital
Since the Japanese occupation, education was initiated to meet the needs of doctors at that time. This school vanished at the time when Japanese government was over. In 1955, Yayasan Djojo-bojo (whose members included Dr. Boentaran and Dr. Atmadi Wreksoatmodjo) aspired to establish a Medical School. This effort was unsuccessful because of coordination between the head of health inspection and the director of the hospital as well as between the head of health inspection and head of the city health office were lacking due to the unsupportive atmosphere of political parties and groups at that time. On the other hand, there is a General Hospital established in Semarang which is quite representative of being a teaching hospital for a Medical School.
In 1958, dr. Heyder bin Heyder and dr. Soerarjo Darsono met the President of Diponegoro University (Soedarto, SH) and conveyed their idea to establish a medical school considering that there were many medical students from Gadjah Mada University who were undergoing medical clerkship in Semarang.
Yayasan Universitas Diponegoro was established in 1959. There were some faculties established namely Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics, Teacher Training and Education, and Faculty of Engineering. This fact encouraged the desire to establish the Faculty of Medicine. In a joint meeting of the Yayasan Universitas Semarang/Diponegoro with the Senate Board of Diponegoro University on June 10, 1960, encouraged by Dr. R. Atmadi Wreksoatmodjo, it was decided to establish a Medical Faculty. The establishment of Panitia Pendirian Fakultas Kedokteran directed by Suyono Atmo and Sri Widojati Notoprodjo, SH as secretary. In addition, a Technical Committee directed by Colonel dr. R. Soehardi, secretary of Dr. Heyder bin Heyder, and members are Dr. R. Colonel, dr. A. Soerojo, dr. R. Marsaid S. Sastrodihardjo, dr. Tjiam Tjwan Hok and dr. R. Soedjati.
Actually since 1951 RSUP Semarang has carried out the duty of educating co-assistants from the Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University, especially in the areas of Children, Midwifery and ENT. Although at that time co-assistant examinations were still conducted in Yogyakarta, at least the Semarang Central General Hospital had experience in educating medical students, especially in clinical clerks. This technical committee on March 9, 1961 held a plenary meeting, and made a decision including:
- The Director of the Hospital is appointed ex officio as an official of the Dean, so that he can immediately begin the preparations of technical committee, while dr. Heyder bin Heyder became assistant dean and concurrently secretary.
- The committee considers the Semarang Central General Hospital is quite representative to be a teaching hospital.
- The committee approves the six-and-a-half year education curriculum plan prepared by dr. Atmadi Wreksoatmodjo.
- Considering the preparations for the pre-clinic level still require time, it is decided to open the Medical Faculty from the top level. Information is obtained, that at Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta there are many senior students who are willing to move to Semarang.
On March 29, 1961, dr. Heyder bin Heyder and dr. Soerarjo Darsono met Prof. Soedjono Djoened Poesponegoro, The Dean of the Medical University of the University of Indonesia Jakarta, to ask for advice, suggestion and assistance regarding to the preparation of the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine in Semarang. Prof. Soedjono could understand the desires of the committee and the local community and approved the idea, even willing to provide assistance to lecturers at the University of Indonesia (can be implemented in 1963).
There was a replacement of Semarang General Hospital leadership where dr. Atmadi Wreksoatmodjo was replaced by Dr. Soepaat Soemosoedirdjo, so that on July 1, 1961, Keputusan Presiden Universitas Diponegoro Semarang No. 782 C was issued regarding the appointment of dr. Soepaat Soemosoedihardjo as the chairperson of the Head of the Faculty of Medicine and dr. Heyder bin Heyder as Secretary of the Faculty. However, because of dr. Soepaat Soemosoedirdjo, who had just come from Klaten, had not studied the problem, Dr. Heyder bin Heyder was assigned to carry out all activities.
Other preparations made were Dr. R. Soerarjo Darsono and dr. Heyder bin Heyder held a negotiation with the Head of the Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta and the top level students of the UGM Faculty of Medicine. On July 12, 1961 a delegation consisting of Soedarto, SH as the President of Diponegoro University Semarang, dr. Heyder bin Heyder as Secretary of the Faculty and dr. Soepaat Soemosoedirdjo as Head of Semarang General Hospital faces the Minister of PTIP. Prof. Iwa Koesoemasoemantri (Minister of PTIP) welcomed the preparations for the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine, even saying “For the Dean I don’t need a smart person but I need an honest person.”
Minister of Health, Prof. dr. Satrio, welcomed and suggested that the first dean position was given to an ABRI member, considering that at the preparation stage would certainly face many difficulties, since Central Java was still in an emergency at that time.
Both the Minister of PTIP and the Minister of Health do not agree that the Chairman of the Faculty of Medicine is concurrently chaired by the Head of the Central General Hospital. Considering the position of the two ministers, on that same day, on 12 July 1961 in Jakarta, the delegation submitted a written request to the Minister of PTIP to appoint Colonel Dr. Soewondo, DKT Kodam VII doctor as the dean and dr. Heyder bin Heyder, leader of the Surgical Section of RSUP Semarang as his vice.
The Department of PTIP was not satisfied with the names of the two candidates, on July 19, 1961, they sent a telegram with a request to submit a third person name. With a telegram on August 2, 1961, the Head of Diponegoro University submitted the name Soejono Atmo, Deputy Governor of the Regional Head of Central Java as a candidate. But this proposal was also not approved by the PTIP Minister’s advisor, with the consideration that Soejono Atmo was not a doctor. Finally, the Senate Meeting of Diponegoro University proposed three candidates, namely Colonel dr. Soewondo, dr. Heyder bin Heyder and dr. Atmadi Wreksoatmodjo.
Referring to the agreement in the previous meetings, that the opening of the Faculty of Medicine could immediately begin from the top level, then on the 24th of August 1961 the last meeting was held, led by dr. Heyder bin Heyder and was attended by all Heads of Parts of the Semarang Central General Hospital, dr. Tendean from Mental Hospital and dr. Go Gien Hoo from St. Elizabeth Hospital. They proposed suggestions, plans and desires.
On August 31, 1961 another meeting was held in Yogyakarta. Envoys from the Preparatory Committee consisted of Soedarto, SH, dr. Heyder bin Heyder, dr. Sardjono Dhanoedibroto, dr. Atmadi Wreksoatmodjo and dr. Soedjati Soemodiharjo. The UGM FK Party is chaired by Prof. Radioputro. Some important decisions in the meeting are as follows:
- The first number of doctoral students of the Faculty of Medicine UGM who will move to Diponegoro University in Semarang is a maximum of 40 people.
- Students transfer voluntarily.
- The student officially becomes a Diponegoro University student and after graduating gets a diploma from Diponegoro University.
Based on the Surat Keputusan Menteri Perguruan Tinggi dan Ilmu Pengetahuan (PTIP) No. 3 tahun 1961 dated September 12, 1961 The Faculty of Medicine of Diponegoro University was officially established on October 1, 1961, and was the fifth faculty within the Diponegoro University.
Faculty of Medicine was officially opened by the Deputy Minister of PTIP at the Commemoration of the First Anniversary of Diponegoro University on September 30, 1961 in Semarang City Hall. Education begins with top-level medical education, namely the level of Doctor of Medicine, which comes from the Faculty of Medicine UGM. Pioneered by 6 Doctor of Medicine in 1961, this number increased to 30 in 1962.
During the academic year 1961/1962, there were 7 first level doctors or Semiarts were produced, and on October 1, 1962 started from 1962/1963 year of college, the faculty started to receive first-level students, with the number of new students as many as 82 people which was the result of a selection of 426 prospective graduates of SMA B from 1959 and above.
The first lecture in the form of a public lecture was delivered by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Colonel dr. Soewondo entitled “Guided Education”. Then, it was continued with a ceremony to give a doctor’s certificate to dr. Suradi as the first graduate of the Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University.
In 46 years historical journey of Faculty of Medicine UNDIP, the faculty has experienced many advances. As of July 2001, Faculty of Medicine UNDIP has graduated 1252 specialists, 3570 doctors and 2360 scholars.
Currently the faculty is caring for two study programs, namely the study of Psychology and Nursing programs. In 1997 there was a Master Program in Biomedical Sciences and a Doctoral Program in Medicine. Since 2001 the PPDS 1 program participants have been given the opportunity to complete their education in the PPs UNDIP Special Program for Biomedical Sciences Masters so that they are expected to improve the quality of PPDS 1 graduates.
Innovations in the field of education in Faculty of Medicine UNDIP have been through a Problem Based approach. It is hoped that this Integrated / Problem-based approach will be one of the local contents of Faculty of Medicine UNDIP. Researches which were conducted through various existing funding sources (OPF, BBI, RISBINDOK, RISBINKES, and Competing Grants) are evidences of Tri Dharma academic community.