The Indonesian International Medical Olympiad (IMO) 2021 is a prestigious medical science competition that is an annual work program of the Indonesian Medical Student Senate Association (ISMKI). The competition had six branches, including Musculoskeletal, Neuropsychiatric, Digestive, Infectious Diseases, Cardiorespiratory, and Genitourinary. The Sriwijaya University Faculty of Medicine will host the IMO 2021 activities this year.
IMO 2021 will be conducted in a hybrid manner, online and offline, with three rounds the participants must pass. The first round is the Preliminary Stage, which is held online, and the second and third rounds are the Semi-final and Final Stage, which is held offline at the Faculty of Medicine, Sriwijaya University.
This year, the Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, sent six delegate teams to IMO 2021. Of the six teams, 4 of them, namely Musculoskeletal, Infectious Diseases, Neuropsychiatry, and Digestive, made it through to the semifinals in Palembang. After struggling through various stages, Undip brought home three medals, namely the Gold Medal for the Musculoskeletal branch, the Silver Medal for the Neuropsychiatry branch, and the Silver Medal for the Digestive branch. This achievement certainly did not escape the role of various parties, including supervisors and peer support. Hopefully, in the years to come, Undip can maintain and even improve its achievements in the IMO event.